07.04.2025 BAUMA Messe München, Halle A5 Stand 224

Die BAUMA 2025 kann kommen. Die Firma Wölfle zeigt auf der Messe die neuesten Technologielösungen zum Thema E-Mobility. Als One Stop Shop erhalten Sie bei uns von der Wärmepumpe mit MATHLAB...

09.05.2025 Future4You Biberach Ausbildung und Studium

Get to know us in person at Future4You in Biberach. Shape your professional future now and find out about training and studies LEARN MORE NOW

11.06.2025 iVT EXPO Cologne Trade Fair, Stand 6160

We look forward to your visit at our stand 6160. The iVT Expo focuses exclusively on the components, services and technologies from Europe and around the world that are used in the next generation...

anniversary celebration Wölfle honors 24 long-standing employees

Employees are honored for 45, 40, 35, 30, 25 and 10 years of service. The Ochsenhausen family business Wölfle looks back on a successful 2024 financial year. Wölfle is in the second generation and...

09.11.2025 Agritechnica 2025 Messe Hannover

Auf der AGRITECHNICA 2023 präsentiert Ihnen die Firma Wölfle die neuesten Technologielösungen und Trends zum Thema E-Mobilität im Off-Highway Bereich.  Als One-Stop-Shop erhalten Sie bei uns vom...

Einblicke in die Welt von Wölfle Besuch unserer Partnerschule Gymnasium Ochsenhausen

Last week we were able to welcome a very special group: the 9th grade of the Ochsenhausen high school, who are currently in the middle of their French student exchange program. Together with their...

Wölfle at the Career Information Day Realschule Ochsenhausen

The career information day at the secondary school in Ochsenhausen was a complete success! We had a great day with many interested visitors, exciting conversations and valuable impressions. Our team...

Welcome to the wolf pack! Nine young people start their professional lives

On September 2nd, 2024, the time had finally come - our new trainees started their professional lives at Wölfle. With an exciting introductory round led by team coach Robert Gerner, our young wolves...

An exciting day at Wölfle GmbH Class 8 of the Erolzheim secondary school visits

Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming the 8th grade of the Erolzheim secondary school to Wölfle GmbH. It was a great day for everyone involved. During the tour of the company, the students were...

A look back at our summer festival A day full of joy and community

Our summer party took place last Friday and we would like to give you a little insight into this special day. We enjoyed the afternoon together in bright sunshine and in a great mood. The delicious...

Important visitors at Wölfle Sustainability Project 2024

CDU state parliament member Thomas Dörflinger and Philipp Bürkle, mayor of the city of Ochsenhausen, visited our company. During the short tour of the company, production was experienced first hand...

Retirement for our long-time employee Irina Dik Irina Dik-With the company since 1995

Ruhestand für unsere langjährige Mitarbeiterin Irina Dik Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge verabschieden wir heute unsere langjährige Mitarbeiterin Irina Dik in den wohlverdienten...

Health day at Wölfle Fit and healthy at Wölfle

Our health day took place at the company on June 6, 2024 and it was a complete success! There were great activities and offers such as active breaks, bike fitting, functional movement screen,...

Was für ein Lauf! 3. Firmenlauf Oberschwaben

Am 08.05.2024 nahmen wir mit unserem dynamischen Team am jährlichen Firmenlauf in Burgrieden teil. Mit 1200 Teilnehmern war es ein beeindruckendes Event, das von Anfang bis Ende perfekt organisiert...

Gymnasium Ochsenhausen New computer science prize for Ochsenhausen students

The Wölfle company honors young IT talents at high schools As part of their young educational partnership, the Ochsenhausen company Wölfle and the high school have launched a new initiative to...

Girls Day 2024 An exciting world of technology

What a great day full of inspiration, motivation and talent! We had the pleasure of welcoming super motivated and talented girls who wanted to gain an insight into the exciting world of...

Company tour - Ochsenhausen educational center From a whole new perspective

On April 18, 2024, we at Wölfle opened our doors for an unforgettable company tour. Organized by the Ochsenhausen educational organization, it was a fantastic opportunity for those interested to get...

Jonas Kobsa training as a warehouse logistics specialist Authentic insights into the world of our trainees

Willkommen zu den authentischen Einblicken in die Welt unserer Auszubildenden –den Jungwölfen der Wölfle GmbH! Wir haben mit unseren talentierten Azubis gesprochen und sie gebeten, ihre...

Authentic insights into the world of our trainees Authentic insights into the world of our trainees

Welcome to the authentic insights into the world of our trainees – the young wolves of Wölfle GmbH! We spoke to our talented trainees and asked them to share their experiences and experiences...

Wölfle honors 13 long-time employees Employees are recognized for 35, 30, 25 and 10 years of service

As part of the annual anniversary celebration, 13 employees were honored for their many years of service. This year, the celebrations were once again characterized by the number and extraordinary...

Art in the workplace Stone graffiti transforms the entrance area of Wölfe GmbH

At Wölfe GmbH everything revolves around innovation, creativity and a modern working environment. In our effort to not only live these values, but also to make them visible, we have decided on an...

Melanie Gaissmaier - Marketing Manager Melanie in an interview about her adventures as an on-board photographer on cruise ships


New educational partnership to promote applied computer science The high school and Wölfle decide to cooperate

In order to promote computer science in a targeted and practical manner, the Ochsenhausen high school and the Wölfle company from Ochsenhausen have entered into a new educational partnership. The...

Retirement in 2023 The last evening of work

Today is a very special day for our Wölfle team, because we are saying goodbye to four of our long-standing employees who are retiring: Ms. Schleining, Mr. Berg, Mr. Kienle, and Mr. Karp (missing...

Über sein Hobby BBQ-Grillen, wie er es lebt und zelebriert Beim Grillen kann Simon am besten abschalten und den Alltagsstress vergessen machen

Ähnlich wie Simon komplexe elektrische Systeme mit Präzision und Fachwissen verwaltet, orchestriert er auch am Grill perfekt abgestimmte Aromen und Texturen, um wahre kulinarische Meisterwerke zu...

Sommerfest Wölfle Cup 2023

Firmen-Sommerfest und Fußballturnier: Ein unvergesslicher Tag voller Spaß und Gemeinschaft! Am Freitag den 14.07.2023 hatten wir das Vergnügen, unser langersehntes Firmen-Sommerfest in...

Linda Hutzmann - Financial accounting clerk About skiing to internships and training

Grenzenlose Freude, zauberhafte Berglandschaften und der Lernerfolg der Kids - Lindas Begeisterung als Skilehrerin

Wölfle setzt auf Wärmepumpen Pressebericht - Schwäbische Zeitung

Electrification is also progressing in commercial vehicles. Why an Ochsenhausen company is now focusing on new solutions for heating and cooling systems. Heat pumps not only heat houses, but also...

Erfolgreicher Abschluss Wir sagen ausgezeichnet!

Mit viel Freude konnten wir unseren vier Auszubildenden die Zeugnisse überreichen  Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Marco Miller und Ali Sahin – 3,5 jährige Ausbildung als Konstruktionsmechaniker,...

Wölfle Auslandspraktikum, Teil 2 DAS BLEIBT IN ERINNERUNG!

Erfahrungsbericht von Cornelia: Am Sonntagnachmittag bin ich in Dublin am Flughafen angekommen. Von Dublin aus ging meine Reise mit dem Bus weiter nach Athlone. Hier wurde ich von meiner Gastfamilie...

Wölfle Auslandspraktikum, Teil 1 Das bleibt in Erinnerung!

Erfahrungsbericht von Alisa: Nach der Ankunft in Irland, in der Stadt Athlone wurden wir von unseren Gastfamilien an der Bushaltestelle abgeholt. Bei meiner Gastfamilie habe ich in den ganzen  4...

Erfolgreicher Abschluss 2022 WIR GRATULIEREN!

Fünf unserer Auszubildenden haben am Anfang September ihre Ausbildungszeugnisse erhalten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Carmen Schöllhorn, Franziska Hutzel, Linda Hutzmann, Dominik Peter und Gregor...

„Ausbildungsbetrieb Plus“-Zertifikat Wölfle GmbH wird mit dem „Ausbildungsbetrieb Plus“-Zertifikat ausgezeichnet

Ochsenhausen – Die Firmengruppe Wölfle ist ein modernes, innovatives Familienunternehmen mit über 50-jähriger Tradition. Als ein international tätiger Systemlieferant der Fahrzeugindustrie...

Auszeichnung Ausbildungsbotschafter

Ausbildungsbotschafter wurden für ihr Engagement gewürdigt Auch in diesem Jahr waren circa 90 geschulte Ausbildungsbotschafter und –botschafterinnen im Schuljahr 2021/2022 für die duale...

PDU - Power Distribution Unit Zentrale Leistungsverteilung in Hochvolt- und Niedervolt-Ausführungen

Ohne Strom bewegt sich heute kein Fahrzeug. Wurden früher damit allein Licht, Scheibenwischer und andere kleine Verbraucher versorgt, sind heute alle Systeme, vom Fahren über Infotainment bis zu...

Safety and Security Sind Sie sicher, dass Ihre Fahrzeuge sicher sind?

Wir unterhalten uns heute bei Fahrzeugen nicht mehr über Motorleistung und Hubraum, sondern über Datenübertragung und Apps. Der Einsatz von Elektronik für die unterschiedlichsten Funktionen im...

Bediensysteme / HMI Fahrzeugbedienung – kompakt, intuitiv und praktisch

Kommunikation ist nicht nur ein kultureller Vorgang, mit dem Informationen unter Menschen gespeichert, verarbeitet und weiterverteilt werden (Vilem Flusser – Kommunikologie). Auch das reibungslose...

Natürliche Kältemittel für die Fahrzeugklimatisierung

Die über 100-jährige Geschichte der motorisierten Fortbewegung ist geprägt durch ständige Weiterentwicklungen  und Innovationen. Für den Bereich des Fahrkomforts ist die Klimatisierung der...

Technical contribution "High-voltage electrification and thermal management: 3 use cases"

Interesting discussions, good contacts and valuable impulses at the 2nd Future Battery Forum in the Berlin “Estrel Congress Center”. Thomas Wölfle reports on the subject of “high-voltage...

Heating and conditioning for super sports car Power with comfort

Two family businesses share a passion. A new generation of HV / AC systems has been delivered to RUF Automobile GmbH - we are happy to be part of this great project!

Top Arbeitgeber Auszeichnung von Kununu

Wer kann das Betriebsklima, die Arbeitsbedingungen und die Unternehmenskultur besser bewerten als die Mitarbeiter eines Unternehmens?! Die Plattform Kununu bietet Bewerbern, Mitarbeitern und...

Automatic air conditioning with CAN bus communication Inside Wölfle

Cool storage rooms, limited space, deadline pressure - anyone who works in logistics knows all these difficult conditions and works in narrow and ramified warehouse aisles. Therefore, all technical...

Electric Heating and air conditioning E-tractor agriculture

From simple electric heaters to complex electric heating and air conditioning systems for driver's cabs and vehicle batteries - our solutions are specially produced for vehicles with electric and...

most efficient and economical solution for your vehicle H2 technology

Whether for electric or fuell cell vehicles, we offer the whole product range for an efficient distribution - from high voltage harnesses and power distribution systems, electric heating and cooling...

A high-voltage distribution unit PDU

Like a playmaker in sport, a high-voltage distribution unit (PDU) from Wölfle skillfully allocates the power to the various ancillary devices of your machine, including voltage- and power...

Ready for the highest security level Deep Mining

Ready for the highest security level for deep mining! From steel structures to fully assembled cabins - we combine all of our areas of expertise in our cabins product range: electrics, electronics,...

Jubilarians A total of 315 years of service

Employees are awarded for 40, 30, 25 and 10 years of service As part of the annual anniversary celebration, 13 employees were honoured for their long service with the company. The celebrations...

Together for the environment - Siemens Mobility and Wölfle Natural refrigerant R290

Digitisation in vehicle electrics - state-of-the-art Expert contribution from Dr. Peter Geigle

Background For years, the term Industry 4.0 has been used to describe a trend that has been associated with the terms IoT (Internet of Things) or Ubiquitous Computing. Put simply, functions or...

Abdullah Ünlübay, Head of cab Construction Team spirit at work and in your free time - Interview

Abdullah Ünlübay, Head of cab Construction, talks to us about his Taekwondo school, the challenges as a trainer, referee and father of two young talents

Training event of the IHK Ulm "Best of ... goes digital" Outstanding performance

Outstanding performance More than 2,500 guests in front of televisions, screens, tablets or other digital devices celebrated at home at the IHK education event Best of… goes digital on Friday, 27...

Competence Atlas - E-mobil BW GmbH Experts for new mobility solutions in Baden-Württemberg

The Competence Atlas is a joint reference work of the Electromobility Cluster and the Fuel Cell BW Cluster. It offers valuable insights into the "concentrated competence" of both cluster initiatives...

Successful graduation Dual Course of Study

We congratulate our three dual students on their successful graduation. Congratulations to Steffen Angele (B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering), Phillip Grab (B. Eng. Electrical Engineering) and Tobias...

What's going on at Edeka Screen advertising! We are interested also

We think it's a great advertising network - who doesn't know the waiting time at the checkout in the supermarket. Since 2019 we have been using the opportunity to present our company on large screens...

first step - IHK ULM Digital launch days for new trainees

Apprentices start digitally “First Step offers medium-sized training companies in the Ulm Chamber of Commerce and Industry the opportunity to optimally prepare their protégés for vocational...

Award as a volunteer-friendly employer Ministry of the Interior recognises commitment

Minister of the Interior Thomas Strobl has recognised volunteer-friendly employers in civil protection. The award goes annually to companies in Baden-Württemberg that have been supporting their...

Trainee start 2020 Welcome

Who doesn't remember their first day of training? On 1 September 2020 the time had come for our new trainees to start their professional lives. We look forward to welcoming you to our...

Ice cream for everyone Trainee campaign

At these temperatures one accepts such a trainee campaign very gladly and gratefully. With a large selection of different varieties and a perfectly organised sales team, there were no long waiting...

Handover of certificates to the trainees The company congratulates

Five young men and women received their training certificates on 14 July 2020 and have since been allowed to call themselves Machine and System Operators, Industrial Clerks and Warehouse Logistics...

Snap your job Digital Information Day

22 July 2020 was our Snap Your Job day. In cooperation with Liebherr and Südpack, we set up a digital Information Day. Each of the company's apprenticeships was presented digitally via the...

Collect ­kilometres Do a good deed

Run and Walk/Pray - virtual run for Europe Run alone! Let's pray for ourselves and others and do a good deed together! Under this motto, we were able to support the organiser and community officer...

Part of a great project INEOS Automotive

Classically beautiful! The British manufacturer INEOS is planning to produce an off-road vehicle. The design is reminiscent of the well-known Land Rover Defender. The Grenadier is to be built in...

Interactive Info board Employee information

Inform employees - our new interactive touch screens give everyone the opportunity to get the latest information. Personnel notifications, occupational safety, menus, key figures, news and much more....

Passed the final exam Top trained

We are proud to announce that four of our trainees passed their final exams with flying colours. Above all, we are pleased that all trainees remain part of our Wölfle team. As a thank you, the...

Jessica Bauknecht, ­Additional qualification in International Business Administration (AHK) With passion into the future

On Sunday, 19 May 2019, I started my trip to London to take part in the 3-week intensive seminar "Business in the English-Speaking World" at the European College of Business and Management (ECBM) in...

Trainees organise Christmas sales and make donations

Dragon children instead of trainees: At this year's Christmas Sale, the trainees gave up their income and donated it to the Radio 7 Dragon Children organisation. A great gesture - says the Managing...

Trainee Christmas party with a difference

Christmas hike with the outdoor team-trainer Robert Gerner Under the motto “Adventure Time”, our trainees and their trainers set out on a little Christmas hike on Wednesday afternoon. They...

Michael Huber, ­CAD/PDM Administrator Paths are made by walking them

Michael has been working at Wölfle's Engineering office since 2008 as a designer and CAD/PDM Administrator. In his employee story we learn more about the 3D CAD system at Wölfle. The 3D CAD...

State-of-the-art measuring and testing technology WÖLFLE INSIDE

Our in-house test chamber is an essential part of development and quality assurance. This is an airtight room in which a desired climate is artificially created. In order to remain competitive and to...

World's largest bus fair in Belgium

Busworld is now the oldest and largest bus fair in the world, with over 39,000 visitors last year. From 18 to 23 October 2019, a total of 511 exhibitors from 37 countries presented themselves on...

A total of 380 years of service

During the traditional Christmas party, 13 employees were honoured for their long service with the company. The celebrations this year were shaped by the number and the extraordinary amount of years...

Klaus Kienle, ­Quality Management Officer (QMB) Quality is not a coincidence, it is always the result of hard work and thought

My name is Klaus Kienle, I am married, have 3 children and live in Oberstetten. I enjoyed my training as an Industrial Mechanic at the Vollmer works in Biberach an der Riss. Thereafter I was employed...

Uwe Kopf, ­Head of Distribution The exchange of knowledge creates progress. Success comes from good cooperation

My name is Uwe Kopf, I am married, have 3 grown children and live in Bad Buchau. After studying Electrical Engineering, I worked in Development at AKO plants in Wangen (later Diehl Controls) for 6...

Mining cab ­Wirtgen WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Open-surface miners are gigantic cutters that break minerals out of the rock. These real giants circle deep in the outback and work 24/7 in the extraction of raw materials. But what if one of these...

Siggi Wiest, ­Lateral entrant It's never too late to become what you could have been

My name is Siggi Wiest, I've been working in marketing since 2018 and I'm a lateral entrant. Hardly any résumé is straightforward - like many others, I came to my calling via detours. After...


Natural refrigerants in the ICE4 high-speed train of a completely different kind. What began as a concept project leads to a future solution. Our premium customer from the rail sector was confronted...

Mobile Crane Electronic Heating Control Unit (HBE) WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Control panels in vehicles often have a problem with backlighting. A homogeneous and easily adjustable lighting, which in all situations, such as sunshine at noon or night driving in open terrain, is...

Control Panel Series ­Ziegler WOELFLE INSIDE!

Fire truck manufacturer - 2012. Due to the wide variety of uses, the greatest challenge in the area of fire protection is mastering the wide variety and environmental requirements. When the...

Vögele Road Construction ­Electronics WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Road paver 2016 - In the fourth generation, the Vögele company consciously relies on control panels from Wölfle. Road construction is backbreaking work. The vehicles have to withstand the worst...

Rheinmetall Defence Technology HV/AC WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Defence technology – 2010: if rough terrain, then real rough terrain. In defence technology, the reliability of systems counts above all else. Multi-circuit systems of HV/AC systems are a very big...


E-mobility is by no means just a technology in the automotive world. Electric forklifts are often misunderstood, but have shown for decades that this type of drive has a promising future. The central...

Fire Protection cab ­Magirus WÖLFLE INSIDE!

In no other industry are there so many variants and options, depending on the purpose, as in fire protection. There is virtually no standard crew cab. The cab should be compatible with the body for...

Agricultural Cable ­Siloking WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Mixer feeder manufacturers 2014 - Agricultural applications often place high demands on the equipment in terms of resistance to chemicals and biological agents.

Michael ­Wiggenhauser, ­Engineering office Doing great things together

Michael has been working in the Engineering office since 2016. He is responsible for the E3 script programming and for the cable area. In his free time, he and friends take part in a rally in the...

Ford Automotive ­Electronics WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Automotive Manufacturers - 2013: Due to standardisation projects with the US market, no automatic air conditioning was developed for 2 vehicle types. Due to the demand for an automatic air...

Fendt Agricultural HV/AC WÖLFLE INSIDE!

Tractor manufacturer 2019 - E-mobility is changing many vehicles and completely turning the so-called Powertrain on its head. Energy sources that were previously available as waste heat to heat...

Fabian Hornung, ­Trainee Whoever does what he can already do, always remains what he already is

Every person, every trainee tells his or her own story - Fabian is in his third year of training as an industrial clerk with us. He reports on his experiences as a trainee and would like to give an...

PowerBully cab WÖLFLE INSIDE!

The PowerBully is a carrier vehicle on which cranes, lifting platforms, drill rods and other equipment can be mounted, for example for the maintenance of oil and gas pipelines, power and telephone...

Rolf Binanzer, ­Head of Metal Construction Can’t do? Won't do!

My name is Rolf Binanzer and I live in Hattenburg with my wife and two sons. With my 35 years with the company, I am almost part of the inventory. After completing my training as a sheet metal worker...

Girls´Day 2019

Filing, drilling and deburring! Girls get a taste of the production atmosphere at Wölfle. We also opened the doors for 7 schoolgirls on Girls'Day 2019 on 28 March 2019. Under the motto...

Career Information Day 2019 at the secondary school in Ochsenhausen

There was great interest at the Career Information Day at the secondary school in Ochsenhausen in September. Almost 100 different training occupations were presented by regional training...

Wölfle Cup 2019 A game lasts 10 minutes and in the end the oranges win

Everyone would like to have won it - the now legendary Wölfle Cup. In connection with the summer festival, this company tournament is something very special, even if the planet conjures up what...

Bauma 2019

Bauma 2019 once again outdid itself with 620,000 visitors from more than 200 countries. As a long-term partner of many well-known exhibitors, we were also able to set our personal trade fair record....

Future4you training fair

For the 17th time, the largest training fair in the Biberach district opened its doors on 5 April 2019. The Wölfle training team was among the around 100 different exhibitors and presented the...

Autonomous driving increases the importance of the ­indoor climate Research project

Often times it is ignored, but this affects everyone at all times: our ambient climate. This is much more of a focus, especially with autonomous driving, and is the subject of a current research...

Wölfle company honours 18 long-term employees

At the traditional Christmas party, the Wölfle company honored 18 employees for their long service with the company. As a veteran of the first hour, Paul Ries was thanked for 40 years of creativity...