Einblicke in die Welt von Wölfle Besuch unserer Partnerschule Gymnasium Ochsenhausen
Last week we were able to welcome a very special group: the 9th grade of the Ochsenhausen high school, who are currently in the middle of their French student exchange program. Together with their teachers, the students were given an exciting insight into our company and were able to experience Wölfle GmbH up close.
After a short company presentation, which was translated into French by the teachers, the tour of our production facility began. Divided into two groups, the young people immersed themselves in the world of our products and work processes. This led to many interesting conversations - both among the students and with the teachers.
Our guests were particularly impressed by the variety of products and the modern way of working. The exchange was lively and it was nice to see how enthusiastic and interested the young visitors were.
It was an all-round successful afternoon with exciting insights, lively exchanges and a lot of curiosity on both sides. We are very happy that we were able to be part of this exchange and welcome the students and teachers.
It was great that you were there - à bientôt!