Training and dual study program bepartofthewolfpack

After school comes the professional career. Are you looking for a company where you can make a difference and that promotes your talents? Then you have come to the right place!

As a certified training company, we offer career starters a wide range of training and study places. In the last 10 years alone, more than 100 young people have successfully found their way into working life with us. Many are still working for the company today.

We are a modern and innovative family company with over 800 employees at international locations. As one of the leading technology suppliers, we develop and produce customer-specific heating and air conditioning systems, electronic and electrical products as well as complete driver's cabs for construction, agricultural and forestry machines, conveyor technology, public transport and special vehicles.

For us, training is an important investment in the future. Together with our team of committed and motivated employees, our young people make a decisive contribution to the success of our company.

A classic apprenticeship is not enough for you and a pure degree is too one-sided? Then you've come to the right place. Together with our dual university partners, we give you the opportunity to combine a theoretical specialist course of study with a practice-oriented training. During your practical phase at Wölfle, you will gain in-depth insights into everyday working life and will be familiarized with practical problems that you can help solve yourself. The DHBW Ravensburg with a campus in Friedrichshafen or the university in Ulm will prepare you for the theoretical content throughout your entire study period.

With the dual degree programs at Wölfle GmbH, the path to an exciting future is open to you.
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Our apprenticeships (m/f/d) With us into a successful future

Have we raised your curiosity? Then apply and create your own path at Wölfle.

Industrial clerk (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Min. intermediate school leaving certificate or a comparable qualification

Duration of training

  • 3 years


  • Gebhard Müller School in Biberach
  • Twice a week vocational school classes

Your requirements

  • Have fun organising and planning
  • Good English knowledge
  • Reliability and due diligence
  • Sociability
  • Good communication skills
  • Interest in business contexts


What's awaits you:

Your scope of tasks as an Industrial Clerk ranges from order processing, materials management and development to production management and accounting. During your apprenticeship you will work actively in the different departments and thus acquire good prerequisites to later take on an interesting and qualified clerical position in a commercial department.


You will pass through these divisions:

  • Warehouse
  • Shipping
  • Strategic Purchasing
  • Sales
  • Distribution
  • Personnel
  • Quality Assurance
  • Production
  • Financial accounting
Technical Product Designer (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Min. intermediate school leaving certificate or a comparable qualification

Duration of training

  • 3.5 years


  • Karl Arnold School in Biberach
  • Three days of vocational school classes every 14 days

Your requirements

  • Spatial visualisation.
  • Good math skills
  • Conscientious and precise working method
  • Interest in and understanding of technical issues
What's awaits you:

As a Technical Product Designer, you will support engineers in the development of new cabs or heating/air conditioning systems. At modern CAD workstations, you construct and draft 3D models and create all manufacturing documents. During your training, you will actively work on projects and gain insights into the product life cycle, from the idea to the spare part.


You will pass through these divisions:

  • Engineering office
  • Engineering office Electronics
  • Production
  • Strategic Purchasing
  • Distribution
  • Work preparation
Electronics Technician for Devices and Systems (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Intermediate school-leaving certificate

Duration of training

  • 3.5 years


  • Karl Arnold School in Biberach
  • Vocational school classes 1 to 2 times a week

Your requirements

  • Having fun doing manual work
  • Good knowledge of mathematics and physics
  • Reliability and due diligence
  • Dexterity
  • Interest in and understanding of technical issues
What's awaits you:

As an Electronics Technician for Devices and Systems, you work together with the engineers in product development. Your area of responsibility includes building prototypes, putting them into operation and testing electronic systems. Your training takes place centrally in Electronics Development and, after successful training, offers you a good opportunity to establish yourself in this industry.


You will pass through these divisions:

  • Engineering office Electronics
  • Engineering office cab construction
  • IT Department
IT Specialist for System Integration (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Min. intermediate school leaving certificate or a comparable qualification

Duration of training

  • 3 years


  • Karl Arnold School in Biberach
  • Vocational school classes 1 to 2 times a week

Your requirements

  • Enthusiasm for computer science
  • Logical and analytical thinking skills
  • Reliability and due diligence
  • Communication and teamwork skills
  • Enjoy working with computers and networks
What's awaits you:

As an IT Specialist for System Integration, you will configure and plan IT systems. You are the service provider in your own company and set up systems according to employee requirements and operate or manage them. This also means that you isolate and correct errors systematically and under the guidance of the trainer in the event of malfunctions. You will advise internal users on the selection and use of devices and solve application and system problems. In addition, you will create system documentation and train users.

Warehouse Logistics Specialist (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Min. good secondary school leaving certificate

Duration of training

  • 3 years


  • Vocational School Neu-Ulm
  • Vocational school classes 1 to 2 times a week

Your requirements

  • Strong sense of order and cleanliness
  • Conscientiousness and a sense of responsibility
  • Reliability and due diligence
  • Enthusiasm for logistical processes and practical work
What's awaits you:

As a Warehouse Logistics Specialist, you ensure that all incoming and outgoing goods arrive at their place on time. With the help of our warehouse software and modern means of transport, you can ensure the optimal flow of materials and ensure that our production is supplied. In addition, you carry out quality controls in the warehouse and play a key role in inventories. During your apprenticeship at Wölfle you will work in the commercial departments and also get to know the business processes.


You will pass through these divisions:

  • Warehouse
  • Shipping
  • Purchasing
  • Sales
  • Financial accounting
Machine and System Operator (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Min. good secondary school leaving certificate

Duration of training

  • 2 years


  • Karl Arnold School in Biberach
  • Three days of vocational school classes every 14 days

Your requirements

  • Practical work
  • Skilled craftsmanship
  • Careful and precise working method
  • Interest in technical contexts
What's awaits you:

As a Machine and System Operator, you set up production machines and systems, put them into operation and operate them. In addition, you equip the machines and maintain them. You will also prepare operational processes, check machine functions and monitor production processes.

You will pass through these divisions:

  • Training workshop
  • Drilling
  • Welding shop
  • Soldering
  • Punch laser machine
  • Press brake
  • Heating/air conditioning installation
  • cab construction
  • Engineering office
  • Warehouse
  • Quality Assurance
Construction Mechanic (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Min. good secondary school leaving certificate or higher educational qualification

Duration of training

  • 3.5 years


  • Karl Arnold School in Biberach
  • Three days of vocational school classes every 14 days

Your requirements

  • Good spatial visualisation and logical thinking
  • Careful operation
  • Enthusiasm for technology
  • Dexterity
What's awaits you:

As a Construction Mechanic, you produce steel and sheet metal structures for our cabs and housings in our own metal production facility. To do this, you use manual and mechanical processes to produce components from sheet metal, profiles and tubes for assembly. Your tasks also include the control of modern machines and systems as well as the selection of suitable test methods and test equipment.


You will pass through these divisions:

  • Training workshop
  • Drilling
  • Welding shop
  • Soldering
  • Punch laser machine
  • Press brake
  • Heating/air conditioning installation
  • cab construction
  • Engineering office
  • Warehouse
  • Quality Assurance
Industriemechaniker (m/w/d)
Deine Interessen und Fähigkeiten:


  • Guter Hauptschulabschluss oder höherer Bildungsabschluss


  • 3,5 Jahre


  • Karl-Arnold-Schule Biberach
  • Alle 14 Tage je drei Tage Berufsschulunterricht

Deine Voraussetzungen

  • Sorgfältige Arbeitsweise
  • Logisches Denken und gutes räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen
  • Begeisterung für Technik
  • Fingerfertigkeit
  • Gute Mathe-, Physik- und Technikkenntnisse
  • Spaß an handwerklicher und analytischer Arbeit
Was Dich erwartet:

Als Industriemechaniker/-in stellst Du Geräteteile und Baugruppen für Maschinen und Produktionsanlagen her, richtest sie ein oder baust diese um. Du überwachst und optimierst Fertigungsprozesse und übernimmst Reparatur- und War-tungsaufgaben.

Diese Abteilung durchläufst Du:

  • Lehrwerkstatt
  • Bohrerei
  • Schweißerei
  • Löterei
  • Stanz-Lasermaschine
  • Abkantpresse
  • Heiz-/Klimamontage
  • Kabinenbau
  • Musterbau
  • Betriebstechnik
  • Lager
  • Kabelfertigung

Deine Schulfächer:

  • Physik
  • Mathematik
  • Informatik
Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d)
Deine Interessen und Fähigkeiten:


  • Guter Hauptschulabschluss oder höherer Bildungsabschluss


  • 3,5 Jahre


  • Leider bieten wir den Ausbildungsberuf 2023 nicht an


  • Karl-Arnold-Schule Biberach
  • 1 bis 2 Mal pro Woche Berufsschulunterricht

Deine Voraussetzungen

  • Spaß am handwerklichen Arbeiten
  • Gute Mathematik- und Physikkenntnisse
  • Zuverlässigkeit
  • Sorgfältiges und umsichtiges Arbeiten
  • Geschicklichkeit und Auge-Hand-Koordination
  • Interesse und Verständnis für technische Zusammenhänge
Deine Aufgaben bei uns:

Als Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) installierst, wartest und reparierst du elektrische Betriebs,- Produktions- und Verfahrensanlagen. Insbesondere bist du zuständig für Schalt- und Steueranlagen, Anlagen der Energieversorgung sowie für Einrichtungen der Kommunikations- und Beleuchtungstechnik. Deine Ausbildung findet hauptsächlich in der Abteilung Instandhaltung statt, deine Arbeit wird jedoch im gesamten Betriebsgebäude benötigt. Nach Deiner Ausbildung hast du die Möglichkeit unser Instandhaltungsteam als Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) zu erweitern.

Diese Abteilung durchläufst Du:

  • Instandhaltung
  • IT
  • Entwicklung. Elektronik
  • Lehrwerkstatt
  • Lager
  • Service GmbH

Deine Schulfächer:

  • Mathematik
  • Werken, Technik
  • Informatik

Our dual study programs (M/F/D)

Have we raised your curiosity? Then apply and create your own career jump with a dual degree at Wölfle.

Bachelor of Engineering - B.ENG. Electrical Engineering and Information technology (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Technical university entrance qualification or at least an equivalent qualification

Standard period of study

  • 3 years

Dual partner

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Ravensburg Friedrichshafen Campus

Start of studies

Unfortunately, we are not offering the dual study program in 2021

Your requirements

  • Interest in mathematical and scientific questions
  • Diligent working method and good communication skills
  • High level of commitment and initiative
  • You are characterised by reliability and the ability to work in a team


What's awaits you:

The electrical engineering course at the DHBW Ravensburg Campus Friedrichshafen is the ideal way to study in a practice-integrated manner. In 3 years you will get the Bachelor of Engineering degree. Alternating theoretical and practical phases ensure a high level of training. We offer the specialisations Information And Communication Technology, Vehicle Electronics and Mechatronic Systems and Automata.

Bachelor of Engineering - B.ENG. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - Ulmer Model (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Technical university entrance qualification or at least an equivalent qualification

Standard period of study

  • 4.5 years

Dual partner

  • Ulm University of Applied Sciences
  • Robert-Bosch-Schule Ulm

Start of studies

Unfortunately, we are not offering the dual study program in 2021

Your requirements

  • Interest in mathematical and scientific questions
  • Diligent working method and good communication skills
  • High level of commitment and initiative
  • You are characterised by reliability and the ability to work in a team


What's awaits you:

Study meets training - The Ulm Model is characterised by the fact that vocational training to become an “Electronics Technician for Devices and Systems” is combined with a Bachelor of Engineering in “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology”. In 4.5 years, the optimal conditions for a specialist or management career are set. Are you interested in the basics of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology as well as the development and testing of prototypes? Then you are at exactly right place with us.

Bachelor of Engineering - B.ENG. Mechanical Engineering (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Technical university entrance qualification or at least an equivalent qualification

Standard period of study

  • 3 years

Dual partner

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Ravensburg Friedrichshafen Campus

Start of studies

  • 01.09.2021

Your requirements

  • Interest in mathematical and scientific questions
  • Diligent working method and good communication skills
  • High level of commitment and initiative
  • You are characterised by reliability and the ability to work in a team


What's awaits you

The mechanical engineering course at the DHBW Ravensburg Campus Friedrichshafen is the ideal way to study in a practice-integrated manner. In 3 years you will get the Bachelor of Engineering degree. Alternating theoretical and practical phases ensure a high level of training. We offer the specialisations “Design and Development”, “Vehicle System Engineering” and “Design and Development of Mechatronic Systems”. Are you interested in the development of mechatronic systems as well as the development and testing of prototypes? Then you are at exactly right place with us.

Bachelor of Engineering - Industrial Engineering (m/f/d)
What we expect:

School education

  • Technical university entrance qualification or at least an equivalent qualification

Standard period of study

  • 3 years

Dual partner

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Ravensburg Friedrichshafen Campus

Start of studies

  • All places have already been filled for 2021

Your requirements

  • Enthusiasm for technical and business issues
  • Your strengths are in mathematics and physics - you have a good basic knowledge of English
  • You can concentrate incredibly well and think networked
  • You communicate openly and want to experience real teamwork
What's awaits you:

You want to put your technical skills and basic business knowledge to the test after school - and still not forego an engineering degree? In cooperation with the DHBW Ravensburg we give you the opportunity to do so. The industrial engineering course combines engineering and business basics and focuses on development and mechanics or electrical engineering.

If you want to learn everything about industrial engineering in theory and practice for three years, we offer you a real opportunity for the future. As part of your studies, theory phases at DHBW Ravensburg alternate with exciting assignments in our company every three months.

Bachelor of Engineering - B.ENG. Mechatronik (m/w/d)
What we expect:


  • Fachhochschulreife oder mindestens gleichwertiger Abschluss


  • 3 Jahre

Dualer Partner

  • Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Ravensburg Campus Friedrichshafen


Was Dich ausmacht:

  • Interesse an mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen
  • Sorgfältige Arbeitsweise und Kommunikationsstärke
  • Hohe Einsatzbereitschaft und Eigeninitiative
  • Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit zeichnen Dich aus
Was dich erwartet:

Der Studiengang Mechatronik an der DHBW Ravensburg Campus Friedrichshafen ist der ideale Weg praxisintegriert zu studieren. In 3 Jahren erlangst Du den Titel Bachelor of Engineering. Abwechselnde Theorie- und Praxisphasen sorgen für ein hohes Ausbildungsniveau. Der Studiengang Mechatronik verbindet Elemente der Elektrotechnik, des Maschinenbaus und der Informatik.

  • Assumption of costs

    We are happy to support financially by covering the costs of bus fares, school fees, textbooks and an AVWL grant - full concentration on the education

  • Trainee projects

    A unique opportunity to demonstrate skills and implement innovative ideas together with other trainees!

  • Flexible time model

    Zeitmanagement, perfect angepasst auf all Aufgaben und Vorhaben

  • Annual trainee excursion

    Fun and adventure as well as a great opportunity to get to know the team even better and create unforgettable memories!

  • Fruit bar and ­water dispenser

    Mit spannenden Herausforderungen, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und hervorragegenden Karriereperspektiven!

  • stay abroad

    Die Welt Entdecken und den Horizont erweitern. Abenteuer sind guaranteed

  • 100 euros per year for training

    The starter package for your personal and professional development

  • Further training opportunities

    With us, training does not end with graduation. We offer a wide range of further training opportunities, e.g. through free English courses

  • Corporate events

    Reason to celebrate! Christmas party/summer party. Shared moments that strengthen our cooperation

here at Wölfle My life as a trainee Fabian Hornung reports

here at Wölfle Additional qualification in International Business Administration (AHK) Jessica Bauknecht reports

Contact partner We're here for you

Anna Gleinser

HR Business Partner


T +49-7352-929-182