Climate control and operating units Control unit for the benefit of the operator
The efficient climate control system in our control units ensures optimal comfort - under all conditions and in all driving situations. The specially developed Wölfle technology also ensures that the air conditioning system operates optimally. Vehicle occupants can quickly and easily adapt the settings to their personal climate sensitisation. As an expert in air conditioning, display and control systems, we guarantee you your personal feel-good climate in all situations.
More than 20 years
perfect exchange
secure connection
Heating / air conditioning control unit
- Climate model for air stratification and indoor temperature
- CAN communication with Autosar® architecture
- Plastic front end lasered, printed, metallised and painted
- µController Freescale®

Heating / air conditioning control unit
- Control panel for heating / air conditioning function
- TFT Display
- CAN bus capable
- Fully functional and with back-lighting (Light Guide)

Heating / air conditioning control unit
- µController Atmel
- Software modules: Bootloader, Diagnosis, Mathlab for model
- LIN bus
- 2x CAN bus
- Control of VMC motors and EC blower fans

Heating / air conditioning control unit
- Connection to Bowden cables
- Connection electrical and Lin-Bus
- Automotive feel
- Plastic front end lasered, printed and painted
- Background and function illuminated

Heating / air conditioning control unit
- µController ST®
- Software modules: Bootloader, Diagnosis, Mathlab for model
- Bus compatible: CAN
- Control of VMC motors and EC blower fans

Heating / air conditioning control unit
- µController ATMEL®
- CAN bus capable
- Control of VMC motors and EC blower fans
- Can also be used as an I/O module
- With PID controller

Heating / air conditioning control unit
- Control of a PTC heating register up to 3.5 KW
- Can be integrated into heating
- 4-channel
- Galvanically isolated (1200V)

Johannes Locher
B. Eng.
T +49 (0) 7352 / 929 324