Fictive terrain, solid, undeveloped terrain - in the mining industry, every minute counts in order to achieve set goals quickly and efficiently. A comfortable workplace is therefore extremely important in order to ensure that the vehicle driver can concentrate at all times. The innovative construction of the components also ensures the protection of the driver. In full operation 24 hours a day, no problem with Wölfle technology.

  • 400 to Roll Over Protection System

    Highest protection

  • Extreme ­conditions

    from -50° to 85° C

  • 100% Teamwork

    Collectively we are strong

  • Optimal tempered cabs

    our calling

    • Driver cab
    • Capacitor unit
  • Heating and air conditioning systems

    • Protective ventilation system SBL 30 Comfort

Driver cab

Individual vehicle cabs for extremely heavy and oversized machines. These meet the high requirements (e.g. 400 t) of Roll Over protection. We guarantee a test standard that is unique in Europe.

Protective ventilation system SBL 30 ­Comfort

A multi-stage filter system removes particles and suspended matter from the air. The cleaned air is then blown into the cab via an integrated high-performance fan via the existing heating and air conditioning system.

Capacitor unit

Extremely reliable and hard-wearing in continuous operation. The heating and air conditioning systems are designed for extreme operating points from -50° to 55° C.

Our customers mining wölfle inside