Rail transport Demanding and ­Reliable Systems Inside Wölfle Inside

Safe at top speed - passenger trains and other rail vehicles are exposed to strong vibrations and shocks, which the material and equipment have to withstand over the long term. Despite these extreme circumstances, personal safety and fire protection must be guaranteed at all times. Our individual components for rail transport meet the highest quality standards that meet the high safety regulations in rail transport.

  • Worldwide novelty

    Wölfle air conditioning system with natural refrigerant

  • Our electric HV/AC

    Particularly effective without voltage conversion

  • Long-lasting ­>30 years

    Wölfle performance level

  • Fire-resistant

    Standard 45545

  • Heating and air conditioning systems

    • Electric heating and air conditioning
    • Driver's workplace air conditioning
    • Battery and component cooling

Electric air conditioning

In the case of electrical systems in particular, the waste heat from the internal combustion engine that can otherwise be used free of charge is not available. The heating energy must be supplied electrically. Electric heating and air conditioning systems that work specifically without voltage conversions are particularly effective here.

Driver workplace climate

A perfect view and a pleasant working atmosphere are essential in all weather conditions. Our 100% adapted HV/AC systems guarantee always reliable and smooth operation.

Battery and component cooling

In order to achieve a long service life for Li-Po cells, their temperature must be kept constant (<1° K) and homogeneous. Thanks to battery cooling with integrated thermal management, this can be done with minimal use of additional energy.

Our customers Rail transport wölfle inside