
Tausche den Hörsaal gegen das Berufsleben und gewinne erste Eindrücke Deiner späteren beruflichen Laufbahn. Verbinde Theorie und Praxis und sammle Berufserfahrung. Wir unterstützen Dich dabei und bieten Dir die Möglichkeit ein Vorpraktikum, freiwilliges Praktikum oder ein Pflichtpraktikum zu absolvieren. Ebenfalls kannst Du bei uns Deine komplette Master- oder Bachelorarbeit schreiben oder auch als Werkstudent arbeiten.

Internship First experience in the job

Are attending technical or business studies and want to gain valuable practical experience? Then you have come to the right place at Wölfle.

Regardless of whether it is a pre-study intern ship, a voluntary intern ship or a compulsory intern ship, everything is possible with us. We will help you advance both personally and professionally in your studies. In this regard, you will always have a supervisor by your side during your entire intern ship who will support you in all matters. During your time at Wölfle, you can develop yourself very actively and individually.

Sounds exciting? And so it is at Wölfle. Take this opportunity and apply for an intern ship at our company.


Thesis practical and future-oriented.

With Wölfle in the pursuit of a degree.

Clever, efficient, inventive - that's what sets us apart. Show us your strengths and work with us on your bachelor, master or technical thesis. With us you benefit not only from our know-how, but also from our experts and personal support. Regardless of whether you bring your own suggestions for topics or we are working on a solution together, with us you can be sure that your thesis will be a success with the best and most up-to-date content. The practical experience gives you the opportunity to make initial contacts and build a network. These are the best prerequisites for a successful career start.

Degree in your pocket? Then start your professional career with us. Sounds exciting? And so it is at Wölfle.

Take this opportunity and apply for a thesis at our company.

Working student Diverse projects and demanding tasks

Studying and a full piggy bank? That is not possible?! Yes it is - with a student trainee position at Wölfle.

Gather your first practical experience in everyday working life and work in the specialist departments on exciting tasks and projects. In this way, you not only make progress in your studies, but also make initial contacts that will make your career start easier. Thanks to individual working periods, your studies and working student activities can be successfully combined. Your work as a working student should comprise at least 8 to a maximum of 20 hours per week and at best last for one semester. Do you already have practical experience and are you an enrolled student (m/f/d)? Then these are the best prerequisites for a student trainee position with us.

Sounds exciting? And so it is at Wölfle. Take this opportunity and apply for a student trainee position with us in the company.

Contact partner We're here for you

Anna Gleinser

HR Business Partner


T +49-7352-929-182