Fire Protection cab Magirus WÖLFLE INSIDE!
In no other industry are there so many variants and options, depending on the purpose, as in fire protection. There is virtually no standard crew cab. The cab should be compatible with the body for every commercial vehicle. The customer presented us with great challenges in order to increase quality standards and reduce costs through economies of scale. In addition, the so-called team cabs must meet the crash test standards according to ECE-R29-3. By developing a modular platform strategy in individual components and assemblies, we have managed to cover 37 cab variants with a common part strategy. This not only improved costs and quality, but also optimised throughput times and reduced delivery times.
As the first Team cab ever, we met the crash test standards according to ECE-R29-3. Consistent further development means that today, depending on the project requirements, an extensive standard construction kit can be accessed and a special solution can be presented to the customer in the shortest possible time.